This will be my year!

Oh, January, the time of reflection, rest, and rejuvenation. A time when a simple blog seems so doable, attainable - why would I not succeed??! What could possible stop me from sharing my thoughts and information with the world, to give back some of the knowledge I have learned?

We all know the answer to that rhetorical question - life, my dear, life. A never-ending sea of to-dos, should-haves, maybe tomorrow’s, all conspiring to sink my blog ship. Just below this post you will find a post with very similar sentiment from three years ago. It is the only one. But! Not one to accept failure or defeat I will get back on the ol’ blog horse (which, in fact, I’ve never really ridden well) and try it again. If for no other reason than to be able to write outside of the 2,200 word count of an Instagram post.

And we’re going to start it off with one of my favorite, nerdy farm topics - foliar sprays!

Sarah Head